Current Status about Minecraft 1.16+
The 5zig-Team decided to drop Forge-Support with the release of Minecraft 1.16 and instead only provide the mod as a Fabric solution.
You can find development builds of the 1.16 version for Fabric on the deployment repository’s 1.16 branch.
There is no ETA for a complete 1.16 release nor any ETA for a 1.17 development build.
Latest Build (Recommended)
Those are the latest build-files of the 5zig Mod.
They contain the latest features and fixes, but may also contain bugs.
Latest stable Release
These releases are handpicked and considered to be the most stable when a milestone was reached.
However, you should use the latest build instead.
Guides on how you can install the mod can be found in the Guides section of this website!
5zig Reborn allows Tier 2 Patreons to upload their own custom capes and elytra styles which can even be animated!
Animated capes and elytras use the same format as animated textures in Resource packs do, which is having each “frame” as another part below the previous one.
The animation is at a speed set by the mod.
The button below allows you to download a Zip-File containing files for making static and animated cape and elytra textures.
Available are files for Gimp, and Photoshop. The raw PNG files are also provided.